Luggage review: Samsonite Evoa


The Evoa is a relatively new collection from Samsonite, having launched late last year, and features a number of the company’s innovative features, notably its Aero-Trac suspension wheel system.

There are three colours available, all with a brushed finish: silver, copper and black. Naturally, the first two colours have a noticeably more metallic finish than the black variant, and personally I’d opt for the silver variant over the others.


This is a rather minimalistic suitcase when it comes to its design. The front in particular features little in the way of extraneous detailing, though this isn’t a bad thing. This simplicity means the most prominent detail is the textured brushed effect that gives the case a sleek metallic aesthetic (the case itself isn’t made of metal, though it does feature metal corner protectors). Aside from this, details are nominal aside from the company’s logo across one of the edges. On the silver and copper models, the handle is also noticeably more visible, running down the back of the case.


As with the colour scheme, the Evoa comes in three different sizes too. This is the smallest 55cm/20inch variety, suitable for carry-on, though there are larger 69cm/25inch and 75cm/28inch options available also. At 3.4kg the case also is not too heavy to carry, nor does it eat into the standard 7kg carry-on allowance too greatly.

And for the large part I was able to use it in this fashion, since the handle extends to quite a high length (about 105cm). For me standing 195cm, this came up to just below my waist.


The finish of the product is excellent and it undoubtedly feels like a sturdy case. The metal corners are likely to absorb the brunt of most impacts – I’ve had the corners on carry-on luggage get knocked in on more than one occasion – though I would also expect the plastic of the main case itself to get scratched over time.


The Evoa zips open into two equal halves with a soft hinge on the left-hand side, enabling you to pack two shallower spaces as opposed to a single deep compartment. Both sides have a grey synthetic lining as well as straps that can be fastened in a cross formation to keep items in place, though only one side has a full divider, which zips closed. The top half of this divider is a plastic mesh, while the bottom comprises a translucent plastic pocket that’s good for storing documents.

Samsonite Evoa

A particularly noticeable feature of this bag is that the mechanism for the handle doesn’t intrude too much into the interior space – an issue I’ve found with other carry-on luggage – so you don’t lose too much volume. There is also a long, thin pocket attached to the hinge that is useful for keeping smaller items that you don’t want to have to rummage around for.


One of the luggage’s main features is its Aero-Trac suspension wheel system, which is designed to reduce noise and vibrations while in motion. Indeed, the Evoa is smooth, quiet and especially manoeuvrable when on all four pairs of wheels. However, for occasions when I was in a bit more of a rush – and therefore pulling the case behind me on just two sets of wheels – the Evoa lost some of its smoothness. Aside from the expected drop in manoeuvrability from having it on four pairs of wheels to just two, the need for wheels to “swing” around can make switching directions feel rather clunky as well.

Extending the handle is very smooth on the suitcase, though the mechanism can get a little stuck on the way down. One feature that is definitely useful (though due to my height I didn’t actually require) is the adjustable height of the handle – the Evoa has at least five different settings for the handle length.


The Evoa uses a TSA Recessed Combo lock, so travellers don’t need to worry about it being destroyed during security checks when travelling to the US. The case itself is fastened using zips that clip into place and remain secured while the bag is locked, and the zips themselves are dual layered, providing added security.


It may not have too many bells and whistles, but the Evoa is a solid, straightforward carry-on suitcase that is comfortable and easy to us