Comfort, ease and reliability doesn’t have to cost extra

Jenna Brown

ByJenna Brown

March 4, 2025
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When you travel for business, it’s with a purpose in mind. The priority is where you’re going. But, it would be incorrect to say how you get there doesn’t matter.

The expectation is that if you are being asked to travel for work, the mode of transport is at least comfortable and reliable. No one wants to arrive at a business meeting feeling achy and late as a result of a cramped journey or unexpected delays.

At the same time, that doesn’t mean all travellers are entitled to be picked up by a chauffeur driven limousine. A compromise usually needs to be found between comfort and luxury. The problem is there’s a grey area. And when you land in a new city and are unfamiliar with the local transport companies, how do you know what’s acceptable?

Well, Uber for Business solves this dilemma by being a familiar transport provider that you can find all around the world. We allow you to book a comfy vehicle, be that an Uber X, Business Comfort or Business Exec, without any risk of breaking the company travel policy – that’s because if the vehicle is out of scope, travellers will be sent a pop up to inform them of this and will be unable to place their booking.

While restrictions may mean not all travellers will be able to use Uber Lux and travel in a high-end vehicle, it does provide certainty that wherever you are in the world you can just turn up and order a ride – as simple as that. And, that can be almost anywhere, as we cover more than 70 different countries around the globe.

Not only that, you need not be concerned about expense claims either. When you link your Uber for Business profile to your corporate account, there is no need to keep receipts – everything is automated. This doesn’t just apply for rides either. If you need food, you can also order from Uber Eats. If it’s covered by your travel policy, then enjoy your meal, without worrying about receipts and expenses.

In addition to enjoying a comfortable ride (and being well fed), travellers also have the reassurance that they need never be left waiting for transport – especially when the ride is booked with Uber Reserve. This service allows travellers to arrange a ride up to 90 days in advance, with no cancellation fee up to 60 minutes before the booking. It even includes 15 minutes of wait time, so riders don’t have to rush off if meetings run over.

If you know you will be travelling at peak times, this will likely work out cheaper as it will lock in the price at the time of booking and help you to avoid surge charging. On the whole, when compared to the alternatives, the features available, along with the set travel policies and low rates, helps the average employer to save at least 10% on travel costs when using Uber for Business. In many cases, these savings can be much higher.

It really doesn’t need to cost extra to enjoy comfort, simplicity and reliability when you want to take a ride, wherever you are going.