Plastic bag 100ml essentials

ByTravelling For Business

October 17, 2016

There’s only so many 100ml products that you can squeeze into your plastic bag that you set apart from your luggage for security, so here’s a list of must-haves to definitely load in before you are left to cram in the not-so-essentials!

Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner & body cream


These products are arguably essential to pack as it is most likely that your hotel will supply them but depending on the length of your stay where you need more than what they usually supply or if you like to use a particular type/brand of product, then it is essential to make space for these in your plastic bag.

Antibacterial hand gel

hand gel

You never know when you are going to need it. For example, after a day of travelling then to reach a stage where you are about to eat but no sink is available, without cleaning your hands you are bound to be exposing your food to so many germs after your busy day.



Obviously makeup is not essential to everyone, but for a lot of women it is. If you have a classy event to attend whilst you are away on business, it’s always good to feel good and some people feel that makeup can help that.

The downside is that a lot of makeup products are liquid based however there are ways to get around this. To save space, there are many packing hacks, one being to dispense foundation/concealer into contact lense cases and use any makeup samples that you own or can grab from duty free at the airport – this way you really are saving a lot of much valued room in your plastic bag. Another alternative is to aim to use more powdered makeup during your trip, saving space for other liquids you need to pack.

Dry shampoo

dry shampoo

It’s always good to feel fresh and to ensure your locks are definitely up to scratch, having a small dry shampoo spray to hand is great – especially for saving time in the mornings when your hair is only just showing the first signs of grease.

Lip balm

lip balm

Through research, it has been suggested that the arid environment of your airplane can cause your skin to dry out, and your lips are no exception. Carrying a lip balm is perfect for maintaining moisture throughout the day, plus, they’re only small products, so don’t take up a lot of room!

Toothpaste & roll-on deodorant


These two are general toiletry requirements. Toothpaste is easily found in travel size – most likely in even your favourite brand. We all know deodorant is a must, but ensuring that it can fit in your plastic bag is sometimes the problem. Make sure you get a roll on that’s small in size for your journey and one that will last throughout the day.

Sun cream

sun cream

It’s so easy to get your hands on 100ml bottles of sun cream and aftersun. Also, a lot of aftersuns can make up for a facial moisturiser too – check the labels and you should be good to go, essentially cutting down from two products to one. If your destination is not so bright on the whether side or you believe most of your time spent there will be inside, you may not need to pack this one!

Insect repellent

insect repellent

It obviously depends where you are travelling but insect repellent is a real must if you feel you may be at risk to the little critters! A lot of people feel more prone to insect bites, so particularly for these people, bring a spray of insect repellent away with you and you should return virtually bite-free.



Isn’t it annoying when one of your favourite scents is in a large container making it difficult for you to squeeze into your plastic bag. There are now gadgets that allow you to dispense them into smaller containers and a lot of brands now do a smaller handbag size of a lot of scents.