The enigmatic “SSSS” that occasionally appears on your boarding pass what is this?

Andrea Thompson

ByAndrea Thompson

August 13, 2024

“SSSS” stands for Secondary Security Screening Selection. If you find this on your boarding pass, brace yourself for additional security measures.

What exactly happens during this enhanced screening process?

Random Selection

The Secure Flight system may randomly select passengers for enhanced security screening. Factors such as unusual travel patterns, last-minute bookings, or frequent travel can trigger these selections.

Traveling between certain airports, originating from specific countries, or making bookings with cash, as well as being on a security watchlist, can trigger the Secondary Security Screening Selection (SSSS).

The Enhanced Screening Process:

  • Baggage Inspection: When you encounter SSSS, you’ll be directed away from the regular boarding line or security checkpoint. At an adjacent review table, a security staff member will meticulously examine your carry-on bag. Every item inside -yes, every single one will be handled, inspected, and scrutinized. The bag’s lining and exterior pockets won’t escape scrutiny either.
  • Electronic Devices: They may ask you to turn on any electronic devices you’re carrying (including those in your bag) for inspection.
  • Full-Body Pat-Down: Prepare for a thorough pat-down. It’s part of the process.
  • Metal-Detecting Wand and Swabs: You’ll undergo an additional metal-detecting wand wave. Plus, explosive-detecting swabs will be rubbed on your baggage and possibly hands.

Why the Dread?

  • The enhanced screening can take a while—minutes, half an hour, or even more – depending on the airport and security personnel.
  • Having your personal items dissected and your body poked and prodded isn’t exactly pleasant.
  • The randomness of selection can be nerve-wracking. You might wonder, “Why me?”
  • If you’re unlucky, SSSS could cause delays, potentially leading to missed connections.

How to Cope:

  • Give yourself extra time to navigate the process without stress.
  • Remember that it’s a security measure, not a personal affront.
  • Cooperation speeds things up.
  • Familiarize yourself with your rights during screenings.

So, while SSSS might make you apprehensive, it’s all about ensuring safety in the skies.

Remember, it’s not a personal judgment – just an extra layer of security.