Hilton to install 20,000 Tesla EV chargers at 2,000 hotels

ByTravelling For Business

September 11, 2023
THilton-Tesla-Universal-Wall-Connectors-6-e1694163791135-916x515Hilton to install 20,000 Tesla EV chargers at 2,000 hotels

Hilton has announced a new agreement with electric car manufacturer Tesla to install up to 20,000 charging points at 2,000 hotels across the US, Canada and Mexico.

Work will begin in 2024 to install at least six of the Tesla Universal Wall Connectors – which can be used to charge any North American electric vehicle – at each selected location.

Hilton said that the agreement would make the group’s EV charging network “the largest of any hospitality network”.

It also said that it had seen a “continued growth of searches at Hilton.com for hotels with charging capability”, adding that this year “the website’s EV charging search attribute had the fastest volume of growth to-date, jumping from fourth to second highest in converting searches to stays”.

Earlier this year Radisson Hotel Group outlined plans to provide electric vehicle charging points at 300 of its hotels across Europe.

Commenting on the news Rebecca Tinucci, senior director of charging infrastructure, Tesla, said: “A key priority for Tesla Charging is installing low-cost, convenient AC charging anywhere electric vehicles are parked for more than an hour or two.

“To ensure electric vehicle adoption at scale, our joint industry goal must be to vastly improve upon the traditional gasoline vehicle ownership experience, not just meet it.

“Installing infrastructure at popular destinations, like Hilton hotels, enables EV owners to charge where they park, meaning no unnecessary refueling stops along their journey.

“We applaud Hilton for their leadership in the space and look forward to continuing to ramp this critical programme with other industry leaders.”