Frequent flyers are no strangers to the sudden jolt of turbulence mid-flight, but recent events have put a spotlight on this common yet potentially dangerous phenomenon.
Airline industry leaders have lambasted European efforts to limit air travel in the name of the green agenda, calling such measures "arrogant" and warning they could alienate the rest of the world.
Incorporating sustainability into business travel programs has shifted from a luxury to a critical requirement in a world increasingly aware of environmental issues.
Research shows that a staggering 81% of customers abandon their bookings before completion, posing real concerns for the global travel industry.
The SME business travel sector is booming. Not only is it predicted to grow globally to nearly $1.8 trillion by 2027, 87% of travellers say that business travel is essential to achieving their business objectives.
It is “staggering” that the UK’s air traffic control system collapsed due to false flight data, the former boss of British Airways has said, responding to explanations given by bosses from Britain’s air traffic operator.
The UK economy surprised everyone with the latest data that showed that it unexpectedly returned to growth in May, fuelled partly by a boom in summer holiday bookings