Sixty minutes in Singapore: Botanical Gardens

ByTravelling For Business

September 21, 2016

One of the financial centres of Asia and an emerging centre for startups, Singapore is leading the way in developing itself as a smart city and business hub in Asia. There are huge opportunities in this fantastic for SMEs and startups from bootcamps and product trials, but its not all work and no play in Singapore!

A compact city-state Singapore might be short on space but that doesn’t mean you’ll be short of things to do in your free time. From shopping to culture, to pampering

Botanical gardens

Founded in 1859 the Botanical gardens are a green jungle in the middle of the city and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The gardens can be found just down the road from the British Embassy and only a short walk from the shops and MRT, The Botanical Gardens are an oasis of calm in a busy city.

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With palm tree parks, jungle walks and waterfalls the gardens have something for everyone and with multiple entrances you don’t need to walk through the whole park to get to where you want to be. A big tourist destination is the Orchid Garden. With over 1000 species and over 2000 hybrids you cannot fail to be impressed by gorgeous arches or trailing orchids and waterfalls.

If you’re looking for a place to eat you have plenty of options with nine cafes and restaurants situated around the gardens and two quick stop shops for snacks and drinks. If you have time pay a visit to the Corner House. Serving lunch and dinner through the week with the addition of brunch on a Sunday. The food has a French influence whilst balancing protein and plant elements.

A beautiful setting not to be missed.

For more info check out the Singapore Botanical Gardens website here.