Adventure Pass: Travellers, never miss out on an Adventure again

ByTravelling For Business

November 7, 2016

Thrill-seeking travellers with a love of action sports will be able to travel without the hassle, expense and risk of bringing their own equipment thanks to a new annual subscription service, Adventure Pass.

Launching with an Indiegogo campaign in November of 2016 an Adventure Pass gets travellers free rentals of adventure sporting gear in countries across the globe.  In California?  There’s a surfboard waiting for you.  Want to ski the Alps?  Your skis are free.  Mountain biking in Brazil, surfboarding in Germany, kayaking in Thailand… the list goes on, and it’s all free with an Adventure Pass.  It’s like the Euro Rail pass, but a lot more fun.
The idea is you buy an Adventure Pass, download the app then go on your trip. Whenever there’s an adventure that requires rental gear, just open the app, find the nearest rental house, click the button to reserve your gear and go pick it up.  You’ll never have to pass up another adventure again.
“I love travelling and the only regrets I’ve ever truly had were when I was just feet away from an unforgettable adventure, but didn’t have the cash to rent the gear I needed” says Founder Nic Woodhams.
Woodhams, a former army officer, wanted to share the valuable lessons he learned from adventurous training within the armed forces. “It takes soldiers out of their comfort zone which is great for personal development.” So with aspirations to become a B Corp they will sponsor at risk children on outward bound leadership courses through  Calvert Trust, Hope for Youth Northern Ireland & The Outward bound Trust for every ten passes sold. “I just feel it shouldn’t only be the rich and the military that get these opportunities” says Woodhams.
The company hopes to help the 50 per cent of students in the UK every year who take gap years to travel cheaply, but with 90,000 people taking sabbaticals in 2015 alone, the mid-career break market is growing rapidly too as are the numbers of, so called, Digital Nomads.
For more information, visit