UK Office Workers Struggle with Increased Meetings and Business Travel

ByTravelling For Business

April 2, 2024
Hipster,Businessman,With,Smartphone,,Waiting,At,The,Train,PlatfoUK Office Workers Struggle with Increased Meetings and Business Travel

A recent survey commissioned by chauffeured ride-hailing platform provider Blacklane has unveiled insights into the experiences of UK office workers amidst a surge in in-person meetings and business travel.

Conducted by CensusWide and encompassing responses from over 2,000 office-based professionals, the survey highlights the impact of increased work-related travel on employees’ work-life balance and coping mechanisms.

The findings reveal a notable trend of heightened work-related travel over the past two years, with 35% of respondents reporting a steady increase in such travel. Moreover, nearly two-thirds of the surveyed professionals indicated that they had embarked on business trips up to 50 times within the preceding 12 months.

A significant proportion of respondents, comprising over half (52%), admitted to grappling with the increased demand for in-person meetings. This struggle underscores the challenges faced by individuals in managing their workload amidst the surge in face-to-face interactions.

Additionally, the survey shed light on the rising prevalence of remote meetings, with 53% of respondents noting an increase in such virtual gatherings. This shift in communication dynamics suggests an evolving approach to collaboration and engagement within organizations.

Furthermore, the survey highlighted the mounting pressure felt by office workers to be constantly available, particularly during commuting or business travel. Notably, this pressure was more pronounced among younger travelers, with 50% of Generation Z individuals expressing the sentiment compared to 31% of Baby Boomers.

In terms of challenges encountered while working during travel or commuting, respondents identified several obstacles. These included the lack of internet connection, cited by 24% of respondents, as well as unexpected waiting or delays (17%) and noise (16%).

Overall, the survey underscores the evolving nature of work arrangements and the associated challenges faced by UK office workers. As in-person meetings and business travel continue to rise, organisations may need to explore strategies to support their employees in managing their workload, maintaining productivity, and achieving a healthy work-life balance amidst these changes.