Want to achieve your New Year Resolutions? Here’s how


ByTravelling For Business

January 3, 2017

Traditionally the start of January is the time when we set out our intentions for the year ahead; when we gather up our failing will power and give it a boost in order to achieve our goals and stick to New Year resolutions.

Whatever your aims are, you will probably need some help as over 90% of our resolutions dissolve into a pile of dust by mid-February.

Self-help author Anne Jones likes to set herself targets as a way of keeping motivated and over the years she has found these simple steps work very well for setting intentions and manifesting what she needs and/or wants in her life.

new year resolutionsWrite it down

Write down your intention, what exactly it is you intend to do or attract. This helps anchor your thoughts into the paper which takes it one step towards reality. Draw what you want or plan to do or be – just a simple sketch will do but the more detail and colour the better.

Ask for help

Ask for help by making a request for assistance in attracting what you need or the strength to fulfil your intentions. I use symbols to emphasise any intention as these bypass my own self-doubts and put out a clear message.

Set the action in motion

Get on with what you need to do to put your intention into action e.g. if you want to be more active join a gym or an exercise group, if you want to be less stressed take up yoga or meditation, if you want to lose weight enrol in slimming classes, if you want to write a book find a title and start scribbling down your thoughts; of you want to meet a partner then join a dating site; if you want to start a business make a website. Start to put your intentions into action immediately. Don’t prevaricate, don’t hesitate – just do it!

Let it go

Now, let go your thoughts on how you think you will reach your goal. The universe works in strange ways and we often achieve our goals and get what we desire in a way that we hadn’t even imagined. If you keep stressing about your goal you will be letting your emotions and mind get in the way.

And lastly, don’t beat yourself up if you feel you are failing at any time just make the next day a fresh start.  Good luck!